12 Elul 5784

מחזור לראש השנה: מסודר ומבואר: כמנהג אשכנז
Machzor Frankfurt: for Rosh Hashanah: Arranged and Elucidated: According to the Ashkenaz Tradition (Hebrew)
by Rav Avraham Aumann
Beitar Ilit, 5784
560 pages

Available from the author, at 32/4 haRabi miNadvorna St., Beitar Ilit, phone +972-52-713-5863, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or through representatives in many of the Ashkenaz communities and elsewhere:

  • Bnei Brak (Yeshurun, Ben Yaakov): Rav David Cohen, +972-3-574-2190
  • Bnei Brak (Maayanei haYeshuah): Rav Yosef Hoffner, +972-54-841-5550
  • Jerusalem (Ramot A): Rav Michael Friedman, +972-52-761-1890
  • Modiin Ilit (Netivot haMishpat): Rav Shlomo Aumann, +972-50-411-1740
  • Beitar (Givah A): Rav Avraham Aumann, +972-52-713-5863
  • Haifa (Hadar): Rav Chaim Levi, +972-52-767-1617
  • Petach Tikva (Ganei Tikvah): Rav Yaakov Hoffner, +972-52-764-5213
  • Rechasim: Rav Noach Hoffner, +972-54-840-4179

Table of ContentsSample Pages

Experience the Yom Hadin like never before. Inside the Machzor:

  • Valuable insights into all the Rosh Hashanah piyutim to help you connect deeply to every word of the tefilloh.
  • Carefully edited nusach, to ensure complete accuracy and faithful adherence to Minhag Ashkenaz Hamuvhok.
  • Supplementary tefillos according to the Polish and Litvish minhogim, for those davening in non-Ashkenaz shuls.
  • Clear, visually appealing layout and design, with highlighted emphasis in relevant places to make your Rosh Hashanah davening smoother and more enjoyable.

Price: in Eretz Yisrael ₪45, in other countries $36.

Special introductory price for members of the Ashkenaz communities in Eretz Yisrael: ₪35.