24 Elul 5774
סליחות: כמנהג אשכנז
Selichos: According to the Ashkenaz Tradition (Hebrew)
by Rav Shimon Schuster
Kiryat Sefer, 5776
525 pages
(Note: This work is not an official Machon Moreshes Ashkenaz publication.)
Softbound, printed copies are available from the author, who can be contacted at +972-8-979-0506.
Full Document (Cheshvan 5776) (3rd edition released) (pdf)
Released just in time for the Selichos period (Elul 5774) is this new edition of Selichos for the days preceding Rosh haShanah and the Ten Days of Repentance. A convenient feature of this edition is that the portions that are common to multiple days during the Selichos are repeated in their place throughout the text. The Selichos includes a brief, interlinear commentary, as well as a substantial commentary in the form of footnotes.